
Sights of the Medieval period

During the school year, various visits were organised to several sights in Cyprus. Among them, sights of the Medieval period, such as the Limassol Medieval Castle, the Colossi Castle, the Venetian Walls of Nicosia, the Byzantine Museum.



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Visit at Pierides Museum

In January 2015 students and trainers involved in the project visited the Pierides Museum in Larnaka, where they had a guided tour by the director Mr. Peter Ashdjian. Afterwards they watched a documentary as an introduction to the living history project. The documentary is titled «Cypriot Medieval Glazed Pottery».



The following months members of Kentron Agiou Lazarou studied pottery and designs of the Cyprus Medieval Period and created objects using the same techinques. All the work that will be produced will be presented at «Pierides Museum” .


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Guided visit at Leventis Municipal Museum

During April 2014 all members attending Adult Education Centres (ΚέντρονΑγίουΛαζάρου) after being informed about the «Living History» project, visited the Leventis Municipal Museum of Nicosia on the 9th of April 2014. Along with them were the trainers involved in the project.


In a guided tour by the director of the museum, Dr Demetra Papanikola Bakirtzi, the group was informed about the Medieval Cyprus.


More about the Leventis Municipal Museum


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Cyprus Medieval history through experience

By the beginning of school year 2014-2015 all trainers who are involved in Adult Education Centres in Larnaka District, where informed about the project and encouraged to design learning activities, within the framework of the subject they are teaching, which promote the learning of Cyprus Medieval history through experience. Such examples are theatre classes, folklore dancing classes, singing classes.


Theatre classes are working on a well known Folk Tale from Cyprus called «To vasilopoulo tis venedias» ( The Prince of Venice) whereas the singing classes are working on the folk song «Arodafnousa».


All the work produced by different classes will be presented at events that will take place at the end of May 2015.


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